Open City Detroit - Winter/Spring 2013
Jan 21, 2013 (6-8pm)
What are the best ways to fund your small business or micro-enterprise? This month's event will emphasize the importance of creativity and bootstrapping to fund your business. Whether you are just getting your business off the ground or are looking for funding alternatives, we will explore the range of possibilities here in Detroit.
Panelists include:
- Elizabeth Garlow, Kiva Detroit/Kiva Zip
- Kory Scheiber, Detroit Micro-Loan Fund
- Brian Boyle, Issue Media Group
- Delphia Simmons, Thrive Detroit (moderator)
February 18, 2013 (6-8pm)
Who's your mentor? Mentorship is a crucial element of every entrepreneur's journey in building a successful business. This Open City event will highlight the different ways you can grow both personally and professionally from a reciprocal mentor/mentee relationship. Bring your stories, tips and questions. We'll see you there!
Panelists include:
- Bethany Betzler, Detroit Creative Corridor Center
- Chandra Moore, Cog Design Studio
- Arthur Mitchell, DC3 mentor
March 18, 2013 (6-8pm)
As an entrepreneur, chances are you will encounter failure more than once when starting your business. At this Open City event, we hope to share lessons learned and encourage a positive culture surrounding failure in entrepreneurship. Because the more you fail, the more room there is for innovation and growth.
Have you ever failed in a business venture or project? Do you have lessons you want to share? Join us March 18 and bring your tips, tales & insights!
Panelists include:
- Jacob Smith, UpTo
- Leslie Smith, TechTown
- Andy Didorosi, Detroit Bus Company
- Brandon Helderop, Fail Detroit (moderator)
April 15, 2013 (6-8pm)
Curious about how your business can make a positive impact in your community? At this event, we will discuss the role entrepreneurs can play in community development and growth. From grassroots community-building to retail development and neighborhood revitalization, we'll talk to a diverse group of entrepreneurs who help create stronger, more vibrant communitities through their work.
Panelists include:
- Jordi Carbonell, Cafe Con Leche
- Kirk Mayes, Brightmoor Alliance
- Amy Kaherl, Detroit SOUP
- Vittoria Katanski, Hatch Detroit (moderator)
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