Oct 21, 2013 - Detroit BizGrid: A Resource Map for Entrepreneurs
Dreaming of starting a business? Looking to expand your existing business? Do it in Detroit!
Monday, March 19th, 2012
6:00pm - 8:00pm
(Panel begins at 6:30)
Our topic for March's Open City is Green & Sustainable Business.
From using recycled & sustainable materials, riding a bicycle to work, to
installing geo-thermal & solar systems to reduce energy output, there are
many ways business owners can manage their footprint on the earth.
Join us as we take a look at what is means to be an eco-friendly,
sustainable business.
Our Moderator is Matt Naimi - Director of Operations at Recycle Here!
Our Panelists will include:
Peg Upmeyer - Director at Arts & Scraps
Chad Dickinson - President at DbDesign
Todd Scott - Coordinator at Michigan Trails & Greenways Alliance Detroit
Diane Van Buren - Managing Partner Zachary & Associates, Co-owner of Sugar
Hill Clay & SocraTea - located in the 71 Garfield Building
Please Note: Open City has changed to the Third Monday of the month!
Save the date for our Season Finale on April 16th, where TechTown joins us
to evaluate "The Art of the Pitch".
See you there!
- The Open City Team